tiistai 5. huhtikuuta 2011

ihanaa and horrible

Tulin juuri Itäkeskuksesta. Kauppakeskuksesta siis. Kun astelin siellä, ajattelin kuinka ihanaa oli nähdä sitä ihmisten monimuotoisuutta. Olen omituinen, mutta osaltaan on ikävä niitä vanhoja alkoholisteja, joiden kanssa aina bussissa juttelin, kun matkasin kotiin ja he asuntolaansa.

Vaikka koen, että mun olisi haasteellisempaa kasvattaa omia lapsiani siellä kuin täällä, niin haluaisin lasteni myös kohtaavan elämän monimuotoisuuden normaalina. Erityisesti kaipaisin seurakuntaamme monimuotoisuutta. Jotta selvästi näkyisi, että evankeliumi on ihan jokaiselle.

I read about a small town somewhere in US. It used to be one with many factories, lot of work, happy people. Now it's full of unemployed people, empty houses, poverty and drugs. I assume there are many such places today in different parts of US. The article made me so sad. It would need such a huge miracle to dig those people put of the deep hole they are. Of course in theory they have a chance to change their lives. In reality, not so. Somehow, don't know why, this one centence hurt me most: (a mother, who tried to take care of her 19 year old daughter's child, and tried to persuade her to try get a job) "I was a good mother. I was there, I was present for this daughter. I was a good mother. Pause. Though her father raped her when she was 8. Pause. But I was a good mother."

That was the story of so many of the people in the article. All kinds of abuse from the beginning of their lives, seen, felt and experienced in the worst forms. Who can save those children? Who can help them? How can things like this happen in today's "civilized" world, where not always too far away, others are enjoying wealth and making more and more money. What can we do?

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